Figures made of plaster are unique interior decorations

Who among us doesn’t like original interior decorations? I guess everyone wants our living rooms to be a correlation between our character and what we live in. That’s why we often identify ourselves with equipment and decorations, which in most cases we choose ourselves.
These are synonymous with beautiful decorations, among others sculptures and figures made of plaster. Beautiful, clean in its form, original and giving a lot of shine to the place where we receive guests and family. Therefore, we should take even more care about what we choose as decorations. Today we see an abundance of sculptures made of resin, which are intended to imitate plaster and heavy figures.
This is an obvious fraud that is not only visible to the naked eye, but can also be felt by the scale. Because resin is quite a light material, unlike a real plaster cast.

Figures made of plaster – Italian brand Inga
We love Italian manufactures, especially those with a history that shows whether what the company does is sincere and true. That’s why we are even more happy to introduce their wonderful products to our assortment.
And these are above all different kind decor, decorations, figures made of plaster, decorative and ceiling strips and other various types of accessories. Of course, everything is made according to the rules of craftsmanship, based on the work of human hands. We love brands that can provide something for a conscious customer who loves originality and uniqueness.
These are the skills of finding design in every detail of the decoration. It all started in the 1960s, with the production of chalk for school blackboards. And this is a story that deserves us to fall in love with the Inga brand.

Decoration overview
For us, the most noteworthy are historical figures who became famous for important moments in the history of the world. These are figures made of plaster, having their prototypes in the Renaissance or other important eras. They were many times made by famous masters of sculpture such as Michelangelo.
So it’s even more worth having a piece of such a wonderful story inside of you. Large forms will not fit everywhere, which is why Inga designs various sizes that can fit into literally any room. From large pillars to smaller sculptures that can certainly be placed on a shelf or windowsill.
Imagine your own decoration
It all depends on our imagination, determination in search of perfection, and the equipment we have. You should also know that figures made of plaster fit into many different interior design styles. So, we have even more freedom to place them with different furniture and decor. And if you don’t know which figure to choose, we will be happy to help we also design luxury spaces, both private and public.
That’s right! We didn’t mention…many of our customers purchase these beautiful sculptures for offices. These are perfect decorations for places where we work, where guests visit us and where we spend so many hours of our lives. This is why office space, this is a good option to place one of the plaster figures of the Italian brand Inga.
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