Lamborghini brand history

It has long been known that the modern understanding of the word “luxury” in the sports category is fast cars and equally fast women. Lamborghini brand history, ups and downs – this is a true dream of power. And how did one of the most luxurious car brands in the world come to be?
Sources prove that if it were not for the sharp exchange of opinions between two important personalities in the world of the beginnings of the automotive industry, today there would be a certain deficiency in the field of differentiation cars in the world. As luck would have it, the famous Ferrucci Lamborghini and Enzo Ferrari met and quarreled.
Lamborghini, the history of a true brand…
And all because the former was dissatisfied with the car bearing the Ferrari name, which made him question the manufacturer’s craftsmanship. He decided to show Ferrari how to build real sports treasures and that’s how Lamborghini’s history of the brand began…

It is assumed that the year 1963 began the existence of the brand in general, and the Miura model, presented to the world in 1966, made the production of cars of the Italian manufacturer famous. This model became famous not only for its centrally mounted V12 engine, but also for its exceptionally nice body, masterfully designed by Marcello Gandini.
Lamborghini, the history of the brand for true automotive enthusiasts

As in every great story, financial problems appeared over time, and most of the shares were sold in 1972, only to change owners completely two years later. Merchants from Switzerland: Georges Rosetti and Rene Leimer also failed to cope with the financial collapse, which caused the brand to declare bankruptcy in 1978.
Lamborghini, the history of the brand and its turning point occurred when designing one of the most beautiful sports cars in the world.
A breakthrough year was 1987, when the brand came under the care of the Chrysler concern. It was then that, as a result of 3 years of intensive design and technical work, the Diablo model, identified as the fastest car in the world, was launched in 1990.

Today, the owner of the Lamborghini brand is Audi AG, and the history of the brand is constantly being created anew. The passage of time has not hindered its popularity or prestige, what’s more – it has even strengthened them, which can be confirmed by true enthusiasts of this brand.
You can talk a lot about this car, argue and exchange views, but one thing is certain – Lamborghini arouses great desire!
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