Silver sugar bowl – the price you have to pay for luxury

silver sugar bowl

Some of us remember how beautiful it was on the table at grandma’s silver sugar bowl. It was this subtle item that created a unique atmosphere. Many times we have heard the story of how valuable family silverware was saved from all our possessions. It is an extremely subtle and very unique item that occupies a unique place on our tables. We associate it with warmth and home, and these are the most important memories!

This is true because often products made of this valuable metal are passed down from generation to generation. For people, it is an investment for centuries and a great diversification of the portfolio. Contributing to family goods is a habit that is increasingly neglected, which is a pity – because it speaks

Every table is a custom

Nowadays, we can increasingly observe the abandonment of complete tableware. Fast life, short conversations at the table, looking at the phone and no contact with other people at the table. This is our future and it needs to be overcome to some extent.

And it was always family meetings that allowed generations to spend time together. The silver sugar bowl is, in a way, one of the symbols that was on this tableware. This is an obvious sign of the times, but it is passing. Maybe not forever, because in many homes our customers use entire tableware, including sugar bowls. But you can see that ”new” is coming.

silver Italian sugar bowl
Silver sugar bowl from the Italian manufacturer Schavion store

sugar bowl made of silversilver sugar bowlSilver sugar bowl – samples available

The most common are 925 and 800, i.e. the first and third attempts. Silver marked 925 contains 92.5% pure silver. However, 800 is only 80% pure precious metal. Manufacturers do this because silver itself is a soft material. Therefore, they add other metals to give the products appropriate durability and length of use.

We only choose brands that use European and global certificates. This is very important, in the era of fraudsters and many counterfeit products, mainly from the East, we must take remedial steps. We are only interested in proven companies, because only such companies can we recommend to our trusted clients. This is one of our secrets to exceptionally good partnerships!

Symbol on the product

What he writes about is an important aspect when buying a silver sugar bowl. Looking for cheaper opportunities may end in failure and loss of money. Because today it is possible to print all kinds of certificates and documents on good quality paper. Of course, there is also a hologram, but ultimately it is more difficult to stamp the symbol on the material than to print it.

t’s best if the silver sugar bowl you want to buy has both. That is, as many documents as possible proving that it is true. You should keep an eye on this so that you can have real pleasure from using such a product.

The 925 silver sugar bowl is more sought after than the one with the 800 symbol. Of course, you shouldn’t attach so much importance to the test. The most important thing is the quality of workmanship and the final finish of the goods.

Silver sugar bowl – How much do we have to pay for such a product?

For a simple sugar bowl without a cover, 800 fineness, weighing 80 – 100 g, we will pay about PLN 500 – 600. When it comes to 925 in a similar weight, we will spend from PLN 600 to PLN 700.

So the costs for smaller products will be slightly higher and we will get a better sample. A silver sugar bowl with a lid weighing from 220 to 260 grams in the more luxurious 925 version costs approximately PLN 2,200 gross.

silver sugar bowl
The silver sugar bowl with lid is a classic in itself!
hefra sugar bowl

The same copy marked 800 will be PLN 300-400 cheaper. Therefore, for large and heavy goods, price differences will be more noticeable. Two different products, two different pricesJust as two similar apartments can differ greatly in price, so can silver products from each manufacturer.

Many factors influence the fee component. The steel used, the finish, and the time spent on details are important.

Simple items require less energy for styling and nuances. Those modeled on the Baroque or other eras need more work. Many of them are hard manual work, which is why prices vary greatly around the world – check prices.

Silver sugar bowl – modern design

Everyone associates a sugar maker made of silver as something antique and very expensive. Of course, this is the first association, but is it entirely true? Not necessarily, because today more and more designer products are produced.

Modernity creeps into the minds of designers and they decide about new lines and the appearance of products. A silver sugar bowl today does not have to resemble sophisticated pre-war tableware, or even heavy, massive products. It can also be light in its form and delight users of innovative tables.

Global trends

In the 20th and 21st centuries, it was time for minimalism and design. Raw and cool forms arouse increasing consumer interest. That’s why many international brands are moving towards the new generation. And young people want eccentricity, minimalism and a bit of madness. That’s why we see so many strange but often beautiful products.

A silver sugar bowl can be modern and very interesting. It doesn’t have to be in an antique style to be attractive and welcome on our tables. The choice is up to us, and new generations want something very modern. It is a nod to their choices, which should be respected, but also moved in this direction.

silver sugar bowl
Italian design – manufacturer Zanetto


Silver Sugar Bowl – origin of brands

Products such as a silver sugar bowl depend on a given silver value. So, stock prices and the current exchange rate can significantly influence international prices. We love old European manufactures, that’s why we choose only real and honest brands. And this is what we try to offer you.

Trust is the most important thing, so we want to sell the highest quality products products, including silver sugar bowls, long-term partnerships are needed.

And mainly with the best factories producing silver products. It pays off, that’s why we know and are aware of what we actually offer to our consumers. This is very high quality, supported by years of searching for the best solutions and manual work! One thing is certain – a silver sugar bowl is an extremely unique item that can serve not only us, but also our grandchildren. In my opinion, this is essential and extremely important.

Why all this?

A silver sugar bowl is a symbol of home, family and bonding. It is an indispensable part on our beautifully decorated tables. Therefore, let us follow tradition and be inspired by the future. Only the correlation of the new with the old can bring tangible benefits. Years of design have meant that the product has changed – but in the end, the sugar bowl is a kind of synonym for the center of the table. We have been assembling luxury tableware for our clients for over 8 years.

The silver sugar bowl is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle, so I am aware of the essence of this product. This is definitely the highlight of the program, which is why it is so important to me personally. Let’s be aware of what should be included in an elegant set made of silver, porcelain or ceramics.

If you are interested in a silver sugar bowl – be sure to write to us [email protected]Save