Sincerity and love for tradition are true luxury from Italy

What most of us may associate with it luxury from Italy? Extremely prestigious cars, elegant clothing, amazing Italian cuisine with pasta and pizza as the main attractions, handicrafts created by Italian artists, top-class natural leather – this is just a part of what you can miss and admire.
Made in Italia – this is the general concept of a brand, a symbol, a status – something that the Italians themselves have been working for for generations. However, more and more often, they themselves began to appreciate their rich traditions and history.
An example that Italian luxury is not only Ferrari, Gucci and all the rest is a hotel Santo Stefano Di Sessanio. Located in a beautiful and majestic place called Abruzzo – an exceptionally historic and very charming region.

The hotel owners attach great importance to restoring the identity of the buildings and the life of the inhabitants from centuries ago. This is incredibly inspiring and brave at the same time!
We can see how the people living in the village of Santo Stefano lived, feel the old atmosphere and stop for a moment, which is a luxury in itself. Luxury from Italy has been sincere and true for centuries, based on generations of hard work.

The media and economics have somehow turned it into glitter… and yet it is not. Italians cultivate their identity and this is truly luxurious – as shown by the example of this beautiful hotel.

Santo Stefano Di Sessanio has 29 luxuriously furnished rooms. Of course, the word luxury in this sense means sincerity and a return to old traditions. The raw materials used, such as stone or old wood, create an amazing atmosphere.

Even woolen mattresses and bedspreads are hand-woven, just like centuries ago. The owner informs that the latest technologies are used here, just like in other luxury hotels, but they are efficiently hidden.

Luxury from Italy – taking care of tradition and craftsmanship
The hotel owners are working with the local authorities to preserve and revitalize the village of Santo Stafano. The most important regulation is to adapt the architecture and prohibit all new construction.

Both in the hotel itself and in the village you can feel the taste of bygone eras. With the help of a local housewife, you can prepare pizza and bread mixtures from ancient and traditional wooden accessories.
If you want, you can bake bread in an authentic 16th century wood-fired oven – this is real luxury from Italy!

In order to restore and create a unique traditional menu, the local Museo delle genti d’Abruzzo was entrusted with researching the traditional folk cuisine of the Abruzzo people.

Based on these findings, the hotel prepares historical dishes made only from local ingredients – such as spelled, lentils, saffron, dill and parsley.

Hotel Santo Stefano Di Sessanio is undoubtedly true luxury from Italy.A rich cultural and historical heritage that is worth visiting to see the realism of a world that no longer exists.
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