The longest hotel in Europe was built in Poland

The Longest Hotel In Europe

For some time now, the hotel market in Poland has been developing very dynamically. The Gołębiewski hotel is being built in Pobierowo. In Gdańsk, the Marriott on the exclusive Granary Island. From September 9, a hotel has been open in the mountainous Szczyrk. the longest hotel in Europe

The Beskids are a beautiful place, and now they are even more enriched unique building. What does the hotel look like and what opinions does it evoke? Is it an architectural gem, an example of excellent revitalization or a behemoth destroying the natural charm of the mountains?

The longest hotel in Europe – case study

Mercure Szczyrk Resort is a newly opened hotel in the Beskids. From the very beginning, it has stirred mixed feelings among visitors and residents. The facility, inspired by the architecture of the “eagle’s nest”, stands out for its size and modern appearance. Despite comparisons to soundproof screens or parcel lockers, the hotel attracts tourists. It offers extensive hotel and wellness facilities. And those views.

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The hotel was built on the site of the former “Orle Gniazdo” resort, associated with the Katowice Steelworks from the times of the Polish People’s Republic. The designers focused on combining modernity with the historical spirit of the place. This resulted in an impressive hotel complex.

The most important data, i.e. the metrics

  • Location: Szczyrk, Beskids, Poland
  • Building length: 330 meters – the longest hotel in Europe
  • Number of floors: 9
  • Number of rooms: 447
  • Conference capacity: Up to 1200 participants
  • Attractions for guests:
    • Two restaurants and three bars
    • Water park with swimming pools, pool bar, SPA, wellness center
    • Children’s zones
    • Fitness center
  • Infrastructure:
    • Underground and above-ground parking lots for about 200 cars
    • Use of renewable energy sources (RES), including 120 photovoltaic panels
  • Architecture:
    • Design: ARC Studio, Gronner&Rączka Architekci Sp.J.
    • Architects: PhD, DSc, Eng., Arch. Zbyszko Bujniewicz (Silesian University of Technology), MSc, Eng., Arch. Paweł Rączk, MSc, Eng., Arch. Marek Gronner
  • Interiors: Q2Studio Architectural Office
  • Investor: Private investor

The hotel’s opening on September 9, 2024, was met with great interest, despite controversy over its appearance. The facility is modern and exclusive point on the tourist map of the Beskids. It is to attract tourists and conference and event organizers. To revive this extraordinary tourist area and give a new rhythm to the heartbeat of the forgotten and decaying center.

Revitalization as a way to give a second life to the “Eagle’s Nest”

The “Orle Gniazdo” facility in Szczyrk has a long history dating back to the times of the Polish People’s Republic. It was built in the late 1970s for the employees of the Katowice Steelworks. At that time, it was a symbol of recreational infrastructure for industrial giants. The facility itself gained cult status. In its heyday, it attracted numerous guests, constituting an important point on the tourist map of the Beskids. However, the 1990s brought numerous problems to the facility – technical neglect, lack of investment and the general crisis of the political transformation contributed to its gradual decline. The concrete colossus, which once symbolized the socialist approach to recreation, began to resemble a relic of a bygone era. The lack of ideas for its further development only worsened the situation.

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The construction of Mercure Szczyrk Resort on the foundations of the former “Orle Gniazd” can be seen as both revitalization and the construction of a new facility. Part of the storeys were integrated with the original building. However, the architects focused on a completely new design and modern solutions, which significantly changed the character of the place.

Congress and Recreation Center Orle Gniazdo Mercure Szczyrk Resort Ul Wrzosowa Szczyrk 9346571
The Eagle’s Nest in the past, photo:
161301 R0 1140

The longest hotel in Europe, photo:
Eagle's Nest Banner
The Eagle’s Nest today, photo:

The longest hotel in Europe it refers to the historical significance of the “Eagle’s Nest”, especially in symbolic architecture. It is inspired by the eagle’s nest. Each room has a view of the picturesque mountains. This emphasizes the uniqueness of the natural landscape, which has been one of the advantages of this place for years.

Controversies and doubts

Does this investment have a chance to revive the region? Certainly. Mercure Szczyrk Resort is already attracting interest from tourists and conference organizers. Its comprehensive facilities can contribute to the development of local tourism. At the same time, whether the revitalization will be fully successful remains an open question.

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Construction modern hotel may attract new guests. However, the long-term impact on the region depends on how the place develops in the context of local infrastructure and the needs of tourists. Revitalization does not end with the reconstruction of the facility itself – it must fit into a broader development plan for Szczyrk and the surrounding area to be considered truly effective. The impact on the local economy and the perception of the community will be the most important. Without them, it is impossible to assess whether the investment has lived up to the expectations placed in it.

Is the longest hotel in Europe an architectural hit or a landscape-destroying dud?

Large hotels, such as Gołębiewski mentioned in the introduction, are often accused of destroying the landscape. Investors are accused of destroying unique areas. Activists or ecologists, residents of tourist areas, just as often see tourist facilities as an opportunity for the development of the region as a threat. Additionally, it is difficult to find information about LEED and BREEAM certificates. Currently, mainly office buildings are certified, but hotels are also applying for them. This gives prestige and shows the social and ecological responsibility of the investment.

It is difficult to find such data about the longest hotel in Europe. This does not mean that the facility is not ecological or built with care for the environment and ecology.

This facility is sure to generate a lot of interest. Already now, a few days after opening, it is hard to get a reservation on Booking. Hotel Mercure Resort W Szczyrk will not be just a curiosity. 4 stars are prestige. It is also the highest level of exclusivity, an idea for revitalization and huge development potential. Let the investment actually enrich the region without disturbing its natural charms.