Italian billiard tables Ursus Biliardi

Ursus Biliardi brand has been producing for over sixty yearsItalian billiard tablesat the highest world level. It is no secret that the company also makes products for special orders.
It all started with a small family factory, and in recent years it has become a large international player in this industry.
How do Italian Ursus pool tables differ from others?

Thanks to innovative solutions, it is possible to quickly change a billiard table into a luxurious dining table for an elegant dining room. That is why these beautiful products are very popular among both men and women.
Italian billiard tables also mean the quality of the materials used, including natural wood, steel, platinum, and finally luxurious suede. The brand also uses materials from famous manufacturers, such as Gorina or Iwan Simonis – which greatly increases its prestige.

It is important in the production process to use the same wood for countertops and other parts of the table. All this to maintain the holistic consistency and elegance of the table.
Italian billiard tables – fashionable trend or boredom?
In recent years, these beautiful and nostalgic products are increasingly returning to showrooms. Designers appreciate the class and prestige of tables as a luxurious addition to elegant interiors, which is why they increasingly recommend them to their clients.
We need to know one thing that it’s Italian billiard tables it’s not just an object anymore to the entertainment part of the house, but also the integral aesthetic coherence of the entire room. Not to mention the fact that Ursus Biliardi has combined two very important functionalities – a party game with communal feasting.

This is made possible by a function designed by the talented and extremely creative designers of this famous manufacture.
A few words about the wood from which Italian Ursus pool tables are made
Exclusive tables = exclusive materials, which the manufacturer has not forgotten when looking for wood for the production of tables. The raw material used is of absolute super premium class, as proven by customers all over the world.
Ursus Biliardi uses only the best species of wood, famous for using them to produce only the highest quality carpentry products: Amazaquè wood (with a characteristic yellowish-brown heartwood, ranging in shades up to dark brown, with gray-black linear patterns), Etimoè (with a dark red tint ) found in Africa, and Serrado de Cerejera wood.

Let’s add to this that the combination with wood species such as olive, cherry, rosewood or walnut gives exciting and unforgettable experiences.
An important fact is the drying process of this exclusive wood, which lasts 10 years!
Urusus Biliardi has created perfect and extremely luxurious Italian billiard tables for true lovers of this beautiful sport.
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